Mary Okine

Mary Okine


Mary Okine is a humble, industrious, versatile and outspoken lady. I am currently in the fifth year of my pursuit of a degree in Optometry at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). I aspire to be an optometrist of great expertise, well-equipped with the know-how of the field and acquire great leadership and managerial skills; In other to have a more meaningful and effective impact on my community, my country and the world at large. I like to try out new experiences even if they are out of my scope of study and this is exhibited in my hobbies and extra circular activities namely; hair braiding and hair styling, make-up and other beauty prepping, member of Priesthood Glory Choir, ICGC, Priesthood Assembly, listening to Music, dancing and directing Choreography, drama script writing, gardening (vegetables) and also a member of the KNUST peer counselling center. The inhabitants of Konongo are faced with a lot of challenges; one of which is the fact that inhabitants of Konongo must travel all the way to Agogo Presbyterian hospital which is several miles away from Konongo just to receive eye treatment. This was one of the reasons that influenced my decision in pursuing a career in Optometry despite my love for Physics, Mathematics and Engineering; to help my fellow natives with knowledge gained after school. As part of prepping, I have developed a love for volunteering. I volunteer to attend almost all organized free eye screenings at school and with NGO’s notably among these events is a free medical screening on 17th December, 2022 organized by KPI at the Kumasi Central prison and on a December 2020 road trip to the suburbs of Ashanti region for free eye screening organized by Tony show foundation. The Eleos Cares Foundation has impacted my life and the life of my family by easing up the burdens of my parents, giving my sister and I hopes that our dreams of completing school; becoming great optometrist and establishing an eyecare center in our community is not a farfetched idea.