Eleos Cares Foundation was founded in 2020 when Wahiba Estergard and a group of friends got together to pool their financial, personal and educational resources in order to help struggling people and communities. The board she put together is diverse, well-traveled and global in their outlook. We have special connections in North and West Africa as well as the Middle East. Several of our board members are originally from North Africa so they have an understanding of some of the problems and needs in that part of the world. Having such a diverse board allows us to not only give financially but also be able to mentor and guide our grant recipients. This is a key component of Eleos’s efforts as we feel we get back as much as we give when our grantees become more globally-minded.
We realize nobody is successful on their own and that personal connections can often be as valuable as our financial assistance.
Eleos Cares Foundation is a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2020. Eleos works to support various community projects around the world. These initiatives are locally-managed with an emphasis on education, health and well-being, and crisis support.
Donate now"I founded Eleos to give back to projects in my home country of Morocco, and to projects run by friends all over the world."