Miriam Carlwin

Miriam Carlwin


My name is Miriam Carlwin Kwakye, and I am 21 years old. I reside at Fankyenebra in Kumasi but hail from the Eastern Region, Apaaso to be specific. I come from a family of nine of which I am the third born and the first female child. I am a third-year student at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) reading BSc. Diagnostic Medical Sonography. I love reading, baking, and cooking. I aspire to be a professional baker and a Professor in Medical Imaging. Eleos Cares Foundation is an amazing family. We are a family because we belong and feel at home. It is a great privilege to be accepted into such an amazing family. I became an Eleos scholar not long ago but there has been a total transformation in my life. I now have a fully funded scholarship which is helping me to achieve my aspirations and goals. The Eleos Cares Foundation Scholarship is a turning point in my life and a blessing to my family and community. To my family, the scholarship has come to relieve my parents and help them focus on the younger ones which I am grateful for and to my community I am going to be a good example for others, especially the girl child. Most young boys and girls end up as school dropouts because they do not have anyone to look up to and to mentor them and I will become that person for everyone to follow and build the community together. Giving back to society is something I always encourage others to do. Every year we go to the orphanage home as a family with what we have to help the kids who do not have a family, we sometimes visit the prisons and the hospitals to give back to those in need and now I am thankful to the Eleos Cares Foundation for funding all my academic and accommodation fees and all other expenses to become that person I aspire to be in future.